Rooted in Christ

The Equip to Serve series has helped me to absorb much especially on being rooted up in Him, who is Christ our Saviour and has made me to overflow with thankfulness as:

  • I have learned how to spend time with God, how to develop systematic Bible Study and how to achieve positive attitudes towards scripture memorization.

  • The discipleship training has made me more active than before and this has caused me to have spiritual growth and an established walk with God.

  • The series has improved my attitude towards topical memory system, hence achieving more on how to apply the memory verses to my life situation.

  • Discipleship book one has laid a good and firm start key as I can say since I have learned the assurances of God it has become a key to Christian living.

  • The acquired knowledge in discipleship has really benefited me in my everyday life, when sharing with others and when addressing groups of people. Those I have discipled using the training have grown to apply it to their lives, especially on how to have an exciting devotional life.

The program has helped me to be a visionary, positive thinker and a right shepherd for the true church and the committed followers of Jesus Christ. The above has been achieved after being Equipped to Serve. What I have learned has benefitted me and it is my prayer that God will help me to pass on the things I have learned to the youth, church and the entire nation as as to rescue perishing souls to Christ! Acts 1:8

Live long discipleship!

— Heric M., Kenya


Relationship with God


The Important Questions