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Donations to Discipleship International are tax deductible and receipted annually. Our Canadian charity number is 13929 5802 RR0001.
Impact Areas
Support our staff
Donate to support a Discipleship International staff.
Equip to Serve training Book Printing training manuals for classes across Canada as part of the discipleship training $3000
Gospel Tract Production Printing tracts that convey the gospel in a straightforward Biblical presentation to be used by our discipleship groups as a tool for sharing the gospel and so we can supply free of charge. $1000
Help us reach the support goal of $4000 for Canada.
Kenya & East Africa
Translate and Printing Equip to Serve books Translate discipleship training material into Swahili for use by the local people and printing books to help cover costs for the local people.
Support for Training Transportation and materials for training in other Eastern Africa nations including Tanzania, Congo and Rwanda.
Help us reach the support goal of $5000 for Kenya.
South Asia
Translation of Discipleship Material We are currently translating the Equip to Serve discipleship training program into 5 languages: Hindi, Ory, Benagli, Assame and Punjabi $3000
Support for Grassroots Pastors Provide a basic income for Pastors to have the support needed to disciple their congregations and food packages through our partner STEP Ministries for Pastors and their families. $4000
Help us reach the support goal of $7000 for South Asia.
Cuba & Mexico
Printing Bibles and ETS books Support a new work in Cuba led by our Director in Mexico. We are supporting the Cuba team with Bibles and ETS Spanish books and preparing for another trip to train the local church in February 2023.
Help us reach the support goal of $6000 for Cuba.
The Philippines
Support for Grassroots Pastors Providing Food and basic supplies to Pastors and their congregations that are in lockdown and not receiving an income. $2000
Bibles and discipleship materials Printing of Bibles and ETS discipleship ministry for support of partner churches. $1000
Children's ministry Provide food and materials for children's programs in Manila with Pastor Jong and for tribal ministry outreach with Shiela. $2000
Help us reach the support goal of $5000 for the Philippines.
Beautiful Gate Orphanage, Lesotho
Discipleship International has partnered with Beautiful Gate Orphanage in Lesotho Africa as their Canadian ministry representative.
You can make donations from Canada that will be used to provide much needed food, shelter, education for orphaned children aged 0-5.
Beautiful Gate 2 (BGL2) Project
The Beautiful Gate Orphanage is expanding to Peka, Leribe (rougly 1.5 hr from the Maseru campus in Africa) on a plot of land gifted to them in 2017. The new children’s centre will provide care for children six and older, with more focused care & development programs for children with special needs.
With God’s provision, the fencing, water well and tank are completed!
The next major project milestone is to bring electricity to the new children’s centre.
Help us reach the support goal of CAD $100,000 to bring electricity to the new Beautiful Gate Orphanage in Leribe.

Discipleship is about generations.
As we look back at the ministry of Discipleship International, we can rejoice in the generations of Christians who have become disciple makers through the ministry. As the 2:7 Discipleship Program celebrates 50 years of being used as disciple-making tool, we celebrate how the Equip to Serve training is impacting so many people around the world for the Kingdom of God.